Round-Trip Flights for under $150

Airline Tickets Sales: has made the search for really cheap airline tickets lot easier by offering a range of round-trip airfares for less than $150.

With round-trip flights to New York City from $104 round-trip or to Las Vegas from $106 round-trip, it could be a lot cheaper than driving!

Below is a sample of the Round-Trips flights under $150 found at

• Atlanta to Washington $146
• Baltimore to Miami $146
• Boston to Orlando $144
• Chicago to Fort Lauderdale $139
• Chicago to New York City $148
• Chicago to Orlando $148
• Cleveland to New York City $104
• Columbus to Chicago $126
• Dallas to Kansas City $126
• Denver to Las Vegas $146
• Denver to Phoenix $136
• Detroit to Washington $109
• Greensboro to New York City $140
• Indianapolis to Orlando $149
• Los Angeles to Las Vegas $106

* Airfares shown are inclusive of all taxes and fees, including $6.95 processing fee. Fares shown are actual published-fare airline ticket purchases made on between December 7 and December 13, 2005, for departure within 45 days of ticketing. Airfares are subject to change frequently and there is no guarantee that any fare will be available.